Saturday, December 13, 2008

12.13 Christmas list, part 4

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? Of course. Can’t everyone?
20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning. I’d prefer Christmas Eve now that K & S are older, but I’ve been outvoted.
21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Christmas Muzak.
22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Red gold and green.
23. What do you want for Christmas this year? A turntable with a USB cable. I want to be able to listen to my LPs again.

24. Angel on the tree top or a star? Nothing at the moment. We had an angel at one point, but she vanished in a move. We had an anti-angel-abuse movement in the house (no more trees stuck up their butts!) and went to a spire when her replacement was decided upon. The spire was broken last year and a replacement for that has not been discussed. It will probably be this year’s addition to the Christmas tree.
25. Favorite Christmas dinner? What does this question mean – the particular dinner of some year in the past whose memory I like to bring up and roll around my mental taste buds? Or what do I want on the menu for Christmas?
I think I’ll assume the second and provide you with my perfect Christmas dinner menu:
Crown of roast pork.
Cranberry/orange relish
Mashed potatoes
Gravy (I will concede gravy for those in the family who want it. It doesn’t bother me to fix it or to have to look at it.)
Green beans almondine
Waldorf salad (not that nasty stuff made with mayonaise, but properly made with mustard dressing, just the way I learned at my mother’s knee)
A pickle tray (why we call it a pickle tray I don’t know, but we do; it mostly isn’t pickles) Black Olives, Green Olives, cornichons, tiny dill gherkins, celery and carrot fingers.
Pecan pie
Pumpkin pie

Occasional items that come and go from the menu every few years: Mashed sweet potatoes with brown sugar; mincemeat pie; apple pie; cheesecake; fresh cranberry sauce; fruitcake; pickled cauliflower.

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