Thursday, June 12, 2008

6.12 messy box

When I came home yesterday, the last one of my new raised bed boxes looked like this, rather than the neat way it had looked when I left in the morning.

We had a visitor while I was away - my mom got some pictures with the telephoto.

Last year, our neighbor had a visitor (probably the same one?) and later in the summer we had small, silver dollar sized visitors scampering away one afternoon.

We don't think she left me any presents; she gave up in disgust and went off to where people didn't wander around with big-ass telephoto lenses. Papparazzi!

visitorJust for scale - the strings are at one foot intervals.




Anonymous said...

OMG, that is excellent! I bet she DID leave you some visitors. She wasn't there for no reason, and she knows what she's doing. Nice of you to build a nice bed for her progeny, hahahaha

beadlizard said...

What a surprise! Great photos. Will show the family tomorrow (they're asleep).

fibergal said...

Wow, check out that tail. I didn't know they got that big.

Cathy said...

LOL - they are wonderful! I hope she left some progeny and your mom can get photos of them too.