Saturday, November 24, 2007


Two days ago when we got here, it was in the high 70s F. This morning when I took the dog for a walk it was 18 F. Can you say Cold Front? I was sure that you could.

I got a new #7 needle for the Rogue and diligently worked away. I have come to two conclusions:
1. I like the twisted stitch stockinette hem better for the hem facing.
2. I need a #8 needle. I thought hard about going and buying another, but I know I have one at home that is not only the right size but the right length. I was willing to soldier through with a 40 inch needle for a 36 inch circumference if it was going to do me some good, but it isn't. I don't see the point in buying another 40 inch needle (the only length the shop has in that size) when I can use the right length needle when I get home.

So I spent today's time in the car spindle spinning instead.
Camera and connection aren't working here so pictures will have to wait a bit longer.

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