Wednesday, September 01, 2010

8.31 Ten on Tuesday

Ten ways to lighten my mood:

1. Go to the African Violet or Orchid Show.
2. Read a frivolous book.
3. Snorgle a baby.
4. Put a lively jig on the CD and dance while doing the dishes. Best done when my kids are not at home as their jeering snickering annoys me again.
5. An audiobook on the MP3 and my spinning wheel with something long draw. Or short draw as long as it isn't too slippery or matted or VM-y or...
6. Soak in the jacuzzi. Possibly with company of the right sort. Kids and cats are out.
7. A nap in front of the fan. Or the fire, depending on the season.
8. Sit and knit.
9. Laugh with my kids. Or a friend. Even long distance is good.
10. Watch a funny movie. Or dig out the Looney Tunes.


gayle said...

Those choices cheer me up just reading them!

MsKnottyKnits said...

I like your choices! Any of them would be a great way to spend a Tuesday!

Freyalyn said...

My ten would be a bit different, but I'd be quite happy joining in with yours !