Ten things to do before the end of summer...
1. School supply shopping.
2. Changing of the guard in the garden - out with the parsley and the lettuce; in with the broccoli and maybe some cabbages.
3. See about harvesting the potatoes. It's my first year with potato grow bags and I'm curious to see how it turned out.
4. Put the boat in storage. This means a trip to the Hudson Valley where J's brother puts it in his shed for us.
5. Harvest the Northern Spy apples and get them put in the freezer.
6. Revamp the garage once the boat is out of it. I think we can toss the umpteen shoes and boots that K&S have outgrown, dispose of the oddments of fish tank stuff we haven't used in three years and re-arrange the garden tools.
7. A walk or two along the shore of the lake (Ontario), before the cold winds of fall make that undesirable. It's amazing how cool the lake breezes can be even when it's really hot.
8. Finish up the hats for fall soccer viewing. My standard go-to hat for winter weather is a spiffy red-and-white, to go along with my red coat. S's school colors are blue-and-gold. I got shunted into the red-and-white-school-colors seating section last year, apparently based on the hat I was wearing. People looked at me funny when I cheered the keeper making a save against the red-and-white team. This was not a problem at all games, naturally, but I decided I needed a blue-and-gold hat, regardless of my coat color.
9. Finish up the shawl on the needles. I'm tired of looking at it.
10. Finish up the cross stitch on the q-snaps. Ditto. Although this has been hanging about much longer than the shawl has.