Sunday, March 07, 2010

3.7 More spinning

And, some of you may remember this...

a different dyeing experiment. I like this one a bit better, as there's more variation in the color. After flailing a bit, trying to decide how I like it spun best, I settled on this:


this is a two ply from the lightest end of the fiber. I'm working on the middle section now,with the darkest end yet to come. I'm thinking of something like Girasole, but am still pondering the question of whether it should be center light, edge dark, or center dark, edge light. Opinions?

Thanks all of you for your congratulations on our anniversary. We had a nice dinner out last night (through circumstance, we wound up at our favorite local Chinese restaurant, which seemed fitting as the first time we met, we ate lunch at a restaurant in Chinatown, SF.)


Diane said...

How about a small dark center, going to light, then back to dark for the edging? I haven't studied the pattern so don't know the construction.

pacalaga said...

I was thinking what diane said - dark to light, with a narrow dark band at the edge. (Damn, if you don't do it, I'm gonna have to! lol)

beadlizard said...

Dark-light-dark! I agree. Great pattern, too. Really like the colourway. Nice spinning.

Manise said...

Beautiful handspun! I love the barberpoling. I agree with everyone- dark to light and a strip of dark. You'll have to see as you go if you like the dark strip on the edge. Just a thought- make sure you have enough of the dark for the edging. Those are the rows that last forever and chew yardage. Have fun with it.

gayle said...

Looks like I'm making it unanimous - small dark to light to dark edge.
Can't wait to see it knit up. Beautiful yarn!

BammerKT said...

It's just beautiful! I can't wait to see the finished product!