to celebrate St. Patrick's day. Hmmm....
I've never been one to celebrate St. Paddy's day, as it wasn't particularly a big deal when I was growing up. However:
1. Wear green. This was important, particularly when I was in elementary school, as those who didn't wear green on that day were fair game to be pinched. I wound up with bruises one year...
2. Wish my friend Happy Birthday as her birthday is the day before and I will probably have forgotten until the next day.
3. Listen to one or more of my cds of Irish folk songs, or
4. Put one or more Irish folk song seeds in Pandora and let it roll.
5. Drag out one or more of the Riverdance DVDs.
6. Avoid the St. Patrick's Day parade (although this mostly happens on the Saturday, rather than on the day).
7. Laugh at the guys who bring the green food dye into the German pub to make sure their beer is green on St. Paddy's; laugh at them again when the dye makes the beer go flat; and laugh at them a third time as they try to explain to the English speaking restaurant owner what they are doing so that he can explain to the thoroughly confused waitress. (A five minute explanation on the Americans' part boiled down to a one sentence explanation in German to the waitress: It's just one of those weird things that Americans do sometimes.) (I only did this one year, but it was memorable.).
8. Knit one or more of the green items I should be working on.
9. Dye some more yarn and/or fiber green.
10. Find green clothes for my offspring to wear (see point 1 above).