Wednesday, November 04, 2009

11.4 Lentil soup

The ick list has been lengthening - J seems to be developing a sinus infection and K came home from school early with a headache and sore throat. She took a nap, and awoke with a temperature which was rapidly rising. No play practice for her tonight.

Lentil Soup was on the menu for the sick and ailing:

in a 3 quart crock pot:

2 cups lentils
1.5 cups sliced carrots
1 cup sliced celery
8 cloves garlic, chopped
2 tsp Italian herb mix (Penzey's)
64 oz chicken broth

Cook on high for 2 hours, (add more liquid if needed) then cook on low for 3 hours more. I added 1.5 cups diced ham in the last hour.

Sourdough bread on the side!


Cookie said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry.

Soup sounds lovely!


beadlizard said...

Hope-hope-hope K gets well in time for the performance!

gayle said...

Lentil soup is good for both body and soul. Hope you're all feeling better!