Friday, June 26, 2009

6.26 backyard toad

I've been tackling the garden in the backyard. One would think this garden would be farther forward than the rest, but the rest of the gardens are essentially raised beds with trucked in sifted garden soil. The back garden began as an oval around the two trees which subsequently died due to trauma to the roots from having heavy equipment moved around. The idea had been to plant shade lovers here and suddenly there was no shade. Of the things planted at that time (not much) only the bleeding hearts kept going.

I put two dwarf apple trees in and have plans for a crab apple at the opposite end of the garden. The ground is full of river pebbles and very difficult to amend. Mostly I'm piling mulch on every year in the hopes of building up an organic layer.

Of the bulbs I put in, only the grape hyacinths have been really happy. The sunflowers that volunteer around the birdfeeder always do well. The blue flags have taken over their corner of the world, and the tulips I planted last fall all came up - we'll see if they do so again. That still leaves me with a bunch of space. Some dianthus are going in this year. We'll see if they sow seed.

I also have a friend who seems to have decided this garden is acceptable. Anyone know where to get a toad home?


beadlizard said...

He (she?) is magnificent!

Birdsong said...

Did you find a toad home yet? I have a friend who runs a very nice, quaint shop here in Downieville and has a few... they are covered with mosaic pieces. I can find out prices and shipping if you want.