Friday, February 27, 2009

2.27 african violet

This will break the chain of red photos I've had lately, but I have another bloomer. I adore African violets almost as much I as do lilies and my dining room is perfect for them. I have a baker's rack on the far wall away from the window and my violets live there. They get a bright but diffuse light and a fairly steady temperature. I have discovered over the years that violets do well under my regime of benign neglect and I can generally coax them into blooming several times a year.

This one is a charmer I acquired the first year we moved to NY, from the local violet society's annual show and sale. I need to look around and see if I can find a notice of this year's show - it should be coming up in March I think.

I am exceedingly pleased. My professor asked for the papers to be turned in by midnight Wednesday and as of Friday morning at 9 am he has graded mine and turned my grade in I think he technically has until a week from now to turn the grades in, so i wasn't actually expecting any notice until next week sometime. And I did get an A in the class, which didn't hurt my feelings at all.


beadlizard said...

It was an excellent paper. I really like your writing style. Hooray for the A!

beadlizard said...

Oh, DD spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle at Potlatch and got to hang out with Ursula Le Guin!!!