Thursday, November 12, 2009

11.12 Thankful Thursday

Today's edition of Thankful Thursday is brought to you by Family:

1. I'm thankful for the good relationship I have with both my sibs. We did the obligatory bickering as teenagers, but we get along really well as adults. We puzzle those in-laws who don't have the benefit of getting along with their sibs, but over the past twenty-odd years they have gotten over most of their bewilderment and like hanging with us as well.
2. I'm thankful for the fact that all four of my kids' grandparents have been interested in making good relationships with their grandchildren, without having an overwhelming desire to tell us we were doing it all wrong.
3. I'm thankful for my husband and my kids, who are pretty fun people to hang around with. Our kids keep us on the run, being interested in doing all kinds of things, but it's probably good for us.

Speaking of being on the run, the play starts tonight and goes for four performances (Thursday, Friday, Saturday mat, Saturday night). I'm helping in the box office for most of those - I will be thankful when all of that is over!


BammerKT said...

Having a fun family is worth a lot. It's nice that you appreciate it!

Cookie said...

Wonderful list!